Seminar Abstract

DATE:  Friday, September 28, 2018
TIME:  2:30 pm (refreshments at 2:15 pm)
PLACE: ENR building, room 223
       14 College Farm Road, New Brunswick, NJ

Caroline Duchaine
Department of biochemistry, microbiology and bioinformatics, Université Laval

Bioaerosols microbiota: challenges and promises

Bioaerosol research is booming with the development of next-generation sequencing and high-volume sampling tools coupled with powerful bioinformatic methods. However, the methods used should be used with caution because several steps may include bias in the results and provide a portrait of biodiversity that does not perfectly represent the reality. This presentation will offer several examples of advances in standardization of molecular methods as well as examples of problems encountered in bacterial, fungal and viral boaerosols study.