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Martin Wolf

Environmental Sciences Seminar

DATE/TIME: Thursday, April 6, 2023, 12:00 pm

Martin Wolf
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Indicators: Bridging the Data Gap between Science and Policy

Research can propel the world toward a more sustainable and equitable future – but only if policymakers embrace fact-based analyses and act on the insights that emerge from data. Environmental indicators offer us the opportunity to track trends, identify emerging pollution problems, and gauge the success of policy interventions. In this talk, I will review how environmental indicators can translate scientific research into data-driven recommendations for policymakers. I will specifically highlight my research into air quality and climate indicators, which demonstrate how the scientific community can leverage the latest advances in remote sensing and greenhouse gas inventories to improve environmental health. I will conclude by offering insights from my work in data-driven policymaking to ensure research continues to underpin our sustainability policy and achieve equitable progress toward a healthy environment for all.

Seminar Host:
AJ Both