Seminars are usually Fridays at 2:30 pm. Seminars may be in-person and/or online remote live. Time / Location / remote link information updated regularly.
Speaker: Andra Garner, Rowan University
Title: TBD
Host: Tony Brocoli, Department of Environmental Sciences, SEBS, Rutgers University
Speaker: Valdis Krumins, Water and Environmental Programs, Rural Utilities Service, Rural Development Agency, USDA
Title: TBD
Host: Donna Fennell, Department of Environmental Sciences, SEBS, Rutgers University
Friday, November 1, 2024, 2:30 pm
ENR building, room 223
Speaker: Georgiy Stenchikov, Earth Science and Engineering, KAUST
Title: TBD
Host: Alan Robock, Atmospheric Science Group - Department of Environmental Sciences, SEBS, Rutgers University
Friday, November 8, 2024, 2:30 pm
ENR building, room 223
Speaker: Michael E. Mann, University of Pennsylvania
Title: TBD
Host: Alan Robock, Atmospheric Science Group - Department of Environmental Sciences, SEBS, Rutgers University